Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Week before Christmas

12 more days till my EMT class and the only thing I do not have is pants. I had ordered them and I was all like "ok I am ready" and then that evening I get an email saying that they are back ordered for my pants till the 16th of January!!. Great!!, so now I have to pray that the cargo pants I have now will hold up till I get my other pants in. On another note Nicole comes in tomorrow (or today, not sure anymore) so that should be cool. Probably wont see her though. Christmas is almost here and I can't wait. I also saw the home my mom is buying up in Orlando and if I can get a job in Orlando as a Fire Fighter in another 2 1/2 to 3 years I will probably end up living there. I find it something really exciting, for one to get out on my own, second be a fire fighter, and third hopefully get a dog. Plus there should be alot of stuff to do in Orlando. Well that's it folks, later!


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