Thursday, December 01, 2005

2 Weeks Notice

As of right now I have exactly 2 weeks before I am done with my job. Which happens to be December 15th and as the day before my family and I go to disney for that weekend. Tomorrow I will be shopping for Christmas and hopefully it won't be too much of a burden. Plus I have my First Responder class this saturday that I need for my EMT class coming up on January 2nd. My big sis is going to be going to UCF in Orlando for her bachelors in Business. Then probably to either an Ivy League school or to Notre Dame. As for me after EMT I will be going off to Ocala for my Fire Fighter class and then to Paramedic (for any of you who don't already know). Well that's it, sorry for not much interesting to tell you but I should have more soon though. Later


Blogger Christopher said...

yeah well Christina is a bit too into the idea of benefits and a steady paying job. Disney will be good this year too

9:01 PM  

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