The First Main Book: Repercusssions of Beliefs
Sorry everyone for taking so long. I have gotten a bit lazy and have been playing Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic 2. This book is the core book of all my books. I had my first brainstorming about this book. I also had a few "additions" to the the original 3, which are now 6. This book begins with a character named Raziel Daminous. He is a very powerful and knowledgable person on god and is one of the only people still in existence to know of what came before the universe. Raziel's tale is told about the divinities of old and how the universe was created. But most off all about why the universe was created. It is a sad tale of betrayal and pain, and most of all of the truth that holds all things in their proper standings as of to date. It is the beginning of all things and the end of all things. Many truths are told and many lies are spread, watch out for the first "true" installment of the series. We'll not much else to say without spoiling the story, watch out for the next installment: The Burden of Hope, later folks
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