The First Side book: A Wizard's Faith
Well Best Bud (you know who you are) this one is for you. I have been asked on numerous times to post about a series of books or novels, whichever you prefer, I have been brainstorming. I have no idea what the series of books will be called, but I do know that I will be having 10 books in total. There will be 4 side books, in which this post is about, the first one called A Wizard's Fatih.The other 6 are the books that make the story, the side books are meant to give more depth to the characters and the events around them. A Wizard's Faith is pretty boring and does not have much to help make it very interesting as of yet. The story is about a Wizard named Marcus. I have not decided on his age as of yet, but I am thinking older. He will be the first creation of God to be gifted with "God's touch" but not a Divinity (a divinty is a term in my series of books of any being that is celestrial). He will of course see what man is "made of" and do much good. Marcus' faith will be tested in this book to see if he is able to see God's decisions, actions, and words as justified and above all right. Anything more on this book would be a plot spoiler. We'll as I said pretty boring, but is meant to give the constant readers or readers period a different perspective of God as well as his so called "polar opposite" Lucifer. Enjoy Best Bud and anyone else who is reading this. Till next post. Be ready all for, The second book: The King of Darkness. For all are seen by the King and all serve the King, so remember: All Hail the Crimson King, For he shall rule all things from his throne in the Darkness.
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