Thursday, December 29, 2005

4 Days till EMT class

Well as yyou can already tell I have 4 more days. However my pants have not come in and I am afraid that they will not make it in on time. So I will have to use another pair of old black cargo pants for the time being. Christmas has come and past, as I got 3 Latin-English books (1 of them being a latin phrases book) which will be nice for my constant translations for my book. I also got Meteos for my DS, Super Mario Bros 3 for the Game Boy Advance (which plays on my DS as well), gift certificates to best buy, and money. My sister starts her class on monday as well (I think). Plus she was showing me all the stuff that she planned on doing for the Alaska trip and I gave her the "go ahead" to put me on with her. What she was planning on doing is stuff I think I would like to do too. Well if I don't get a chance to post another post on my blog before monday then wish me luck. Peace out guys!!!!

Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Week before Christmas

12 more days till my EMT class and the only thing I do not have is pants. I had ordered them and I was all like "ok I am ready" and then that evening I get an email saying that they are back ordered for my pants till the 16th of January!!. Great!!, so now I have to pray that the cargo pants I have now will hold up till I get my other pants in. On another note Nicole comes in tomorrow (or today, not sure anymore) so that should be cool. Probably wont see her though. Christmas is almost here and I can't wait. I also saw the home my mom is buying up in Orlando and if I can get a job in Orlando as a Fire Fighter in another 2 1/2 to 3 years I will probably end up living there. I find it something really exciting, for one to get out on my own, second be a fire fighter, and third hopefully get a dog. Plus there should be alot of stuff to do in Orlando. Well that's it folks, later!

Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Finally Done

As of tomorrow (December 15th 2005), I am offically done with Publix. It feels pretty good to not have my bosses on my a** anymore or to have to be up at the crack of dawn to be at work. I can just take it easy for the next 18 days. I also have to go shopping tomorrow for my EMT clothes, get my paycheck, give my uniform back to Publix, and a few things around the house. Otherwise it will be pretty damn easy tomorrow. I still haven't gotten Barc anything yet, but I will soon. I also seem to have this girl at my job or now ex-job who seems a bit interested in me. She has a boyfriend, but I have heard she really isn't happy with him and has been picking up "losers" for the past 2 relationships. However I will probably hang out with her and see how it goes. I have no intention of making her cheat on her boyfriend, that would be a bit too much. For a final note I am going to Disney from this Friday to Sunday. It should be fun, there will be a lot of us. Well that's it for now, talk to you all later

Saturday, December 10, 2005

Daily News

As of today My shopping for christmas is just about done. I just need to get a gift for Barc. Also in about 4 days I will be out of a job. Which is not going to be very cool. I am also going to post the next book for anyone interested. It will be called The Path for Truth. I will go into more detail on that when I post it. However it will be good. A little slow and somewhat dead, but still good. For a good laugh, last weekend my brother went to the FSU vs. Virginia Tech game or the ACC championship game. Which we won of course, but my brother ended up "leaving" his keys on some persons dashboard who he does not even know. He is in Jacksonville I might add, so now my mom had to bring the extra set of keys to him in jacksonville!!!. She wasn't very happy about that, but they that's my brother. I was going to see a movie called Narnia with a bunch of friends, but chose not to in the end. So that's it for today, will post another one tomorrow (Sunday December 11th) to keep you up on how bad the jets are doing this year. Well later everybody

Thursday, December 01, 2005

2 Weeks Notice

As of right now I have exactly 2 weeks before I am done with my job. Which happens to be December 15th and as the day before my family and I go to disney for that weekend. Tomorrow I will be shopping for Christmas and hopefully it won't be too much of a burden. Plus I have my First Responder class this saturday that I need for my EMT class coming up on January 2nd. My big sis is going to be going to UCF in Orlando for her bachelors in Business. Then probably to either an Ivy League school or to Notre Dame. As for me after EMT I will be going off to Ocala for my Fire Fighter class and then to Paramedic (for any of you who don't already know). Well that's it, sorry for not much interesting to tell you but I should have more soon though. Later