Thursday, June 16, 2005

The views of the quiet minority

I would just like to first say god bless our soldiers abroad and I hope my friend in Korea is whooping ass like crazy "holla back" you know who. I am no shy person about my views in Politics, but I don't press my beliefs to ANY degree onto people. I prefer to respect others opinions. I do feel that our beloved President of the United States is doing a fine job and god bless him for that. I feel that all Americans should do there part in supporting our president, soldiers, and America. Some will say "I support our troops but I want bush out". Well I ask to them why? They USUALLY say "he is doing a bad job" "where in another Vietnam" "where in Iraq for oil" (pardon my grammical errors). However none of that is true and the people that I have spoken to about this are very radical Democrats. I just wish to state now before I go any further, that I do not mean to offend anyone with this and if I do I apologize. When President Clinton was in office, I was not happy like some of these democrats, but I still was behind him because he was the President of the United States, to blatantly insult the President is a SERIOUS offense to me. Now I will admit that I am not a know it all and do not wish to be. I am an average joe and have no wish to be in a know it all position since it only gives people "big heads" or makes them conceited and "gives" them the right to tell others that they are wrong for believing something different. To have a difference in opinion is human nature, to be different is a blessing from god, but to believe yourself right and someone else wrong is to be a liberal and nothing more, nothing less. Pray for those who are abroad and also pray for those who are not here with us, but remember most of all to honor them by showing respect for what they are doing. In Iraq and Afghanistan they are giving freedom to those who have never known it, good day to all and god bless america

MAC's are they worth getting?

Before I got a Mac I would never believe that I got a Mac, but it did happen and I have never had a more fulfilling experience with any other kind of Computer. When I was looking at getting a new computer my friend told me that I should get a Mac, I said "a Mac, why should I get that" and laughed. Unfortunately the laugh was on me, within 2 weeks I was ordering a Mac and hooked on the idea. However, WHY was that? The hardware wasn't all that different, ok the Mac I was getting and have is no bigger than an external hard drive, but still what was the fascination with the Mac. I have found that part of it was the person friendly system, as well as a few but the only other that really got me was that viruses and spyware was also not a concern. The biggest reason is that I never have computer crashes, which I get so frustrated with. Over time I found that I was becoming more and more pro-Mac, which is hard to believe. Now I recommend a Mac to anyone who is shopping for a new computer or EVEN has a new computer, if it isn't a Mac. Although not many games play on the Mac, to me it doesn't matter I don't play games. I believe that things are changing in the computer world and I feel that eventually the Mac will replace the PC as the biggest and "supposed" best computer in the common peoples minds. With Mac OSX Tiger out I feel that the Mac will only continue to get better.