Saturday, October 14, 2006

Unemployment really stinks!!!

I am really happy right now since I passed my Fire Fighter class AND my State Examination, but I still have to get a job. Which is really freakin hard. Plus my house is going to close at the end of this month, which is also awesome. So if you know anybody HIGH up in the Fire Department chain of command let me know. It would help alot, maybe not alot but even a little bit. So thanks to anybody who reads this, or just me writing this to hear myself speak. later

Monday, August 21, 2006

Change of Pace

Well I took my Midterm and aced the written with a 100% oh yeah!!! Awesome huh? well that isn't the half of it. My house is almost done and I have decided to scrap my old book. I changed the theme of it a bit since the original story was somewhat doubtful of god and from the views of a misguided soul. So I decided to sorta "rewrite" the story. I actually like the new story better than the old one. The pace seems a bit fast pace but I didn't want to publish a million books. I will put up the titles of the books later and a synopsis of each one too. Later

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

So much yet to come

DAMN!!! It has been along time since I posted on this thing. Well..... I took my NREMT and failed it which I am in the process of retaking as of August 26th, I am in my 5th week of Fire Fighter school, I am planning on getting engaged in about 5 months, My house is going to be done in about 1-2 months, and That's about it. I know I want to get married in March of 2008 and I have an idea of who is going to be in the wedding party (the guy's side anyway). I am trying to see if I can my Barclay, who is not only going to be my best man, but also the godfather of my son (which I hope to have roughly 2-3 years after I'm married). The woman I am planning on marrying is named Sharon. She is a really wonderful person who puts all the joy and happiness in my life that I could imagine and more. Which leads to My cousin Adrian is getting married in another month, which I wanted sharon to come to but my cousin can't afford it, by then though Sharon and I will be in the house (hopefully). Sharon already has the house designed in a nice south beach manner which I REALLY enjoy. I saw Trevor Cataldo this week, it's been like 8 months since I have seen the guy. He seems to be doing well I want to stop by more often but I don't know if that is going to happen. Well that's it Later

Monday, April 03, 2006

Nervous as a Mother f*****

dang it has been a long time since I posted on this thing. Well as you probably already have surmised, I have passed my EMT class and already put a down payment for my Fire Schooling, which is in july. All I need to do now is get my diploma from the school today (lazy me) and sign up for my nationals. Plus I went for an interview at GSI on friday and have another interview today. I also have a girlfriend. I met her at the end of January and we have been dating ever since. Things are great there. Well that's it for now will post more later and sorry for the huge gap in posts. Will try to make them closer. Later

Friday, January 13, 2006

End of 2nd week of EMT class

As you can tell by the title it is the end of the 2nd week. A few things have been happening since my last post. For starters, Barc and me have "almost" finished our 2nd game of the Star Wars RPG. It has been going very well so far. Hopefully it will last for a long time, but since we started off at level 20 it is kinda hard for it to last past level 30. So I see maybe like 6 months of this game working. Anywho back to EMT, I have done the first "exam" and it wasn't that bad. They told us what was on it and I studied pretty hard. The 2nd one, I think, will be harder since I have not read the chapters. Just done the workbooks. I so far really really enjoy the idea of being an EMT. However some things don't sound too dandy if you know what I mean. Well that's it for now later

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

2nd Day of EMT Class

Wow!!, I was actually quite nervous about my class the night before, but after going through the first day and now the second day; I am feeling really good about it. There is alot of material to cover in such a short time and the way that things are going I am afraid I might not be done in enough time. The readying is pretty heavy, but I think I can handle it. The class requires approximately 84 hours of Ambulance time. My fellow emt students and I are a pretty shaky crew, but with time we should do quite well. I do not know how the entire class feels about the ambulance rides, but I am very excited about it and can't wait. As well as completing out Ambulance runs we also have to do clinicals, which is only 16 hours. It sounds quite interesting and I'll see how I do on that as well as my ambulance runs. Well gotta go, see ya later

Thursday, December 29, 2005

4 Days till EMT class

Well as yyou can already tell I have 4 more days. However my pants have not come in and I am afraid that they will not make it in on time. So I will have to use another pair of old black cargo pants for the time being. Christmas has come and past, as I got 3 Latin-English books (1 of them being a latin phrases book) which will be nice for my constant translations for my book. I also got Meteos for my DS, Super Mario Bros 3 for the Game Boy Advance (which plays on my DS as well), gift certificates to best buy, and money. My sister starts her class on monday as well (I think). Plus she was showing me all the stuff that she planned on doing for the Alaska trip and I gave her the "go ahead" to put me on with her. What she was planning on doing is stuff I think I would like to do too. Well if I don't get a chance to post another post on my blog before monday then wish me luck. Peace out guys!!!!