Monday, August 21, 2006

Change of Pace

Well I took my Midterm and aced the written with a 100% oh yeah!!! Awesome huh? well that isn't the half of it. My house is almost done and I have decided to scrap my old book. I changed the theme of it a bit since the original story was somewhat doubtful of god and from the views of a misguided soul. So I decided to sorta "rewrite" the story. I actually like the new story better than the old one. The pace seems a bit fast pace but I didn't want to publish a million books. I will put up the titles of the books later and a synopsis of each one too. Later

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

So much yet to come

DAMN!!! It has been along time since I posted on this thing. Well..... I took my NREMT and failed it which I am in the process of retaking as of August 26th, I am in my 5th week of Fire Fighter school, I am planning on getting engaged in about 5 months, My house is going to be done in about 1-2 months, and That's about it. I know I want to get married in March of 2008 and I have an idea of who is going to be in the wedding party (the guy's side anyway). I am trying to see if I can my Barclay, who is not only going to be my best man, but also the godfather of my son (which I hope to have roughly 2-3 years after I'm married). The woman I am planning on marrying is named Sharon. She is a really wonderful person who puts all the joy and happiness in my life that I could imagine and more. Which leads to My cousin Adrian is getting married in another month, which I wanted sharon to come to but my cousin can't afford it, by then though Sharon and I will be in the house (hopefully). Sharon already has the house designed in a nice south beach manner which I REALLY enjoy. I saw Trevor Cataldo this week, it's been like 8 months since I have seen the guy. He seems to be doing well I want to stop by more often but I don't know if that is going to happen. Well that's it Later